Publications and Presentations

Selected papers and presentations

I’ve spent the last several years developing an understanding of library workforce issues and challenges, in particular those of public-facing liaison and subject librarians.  I frequently post shorter items on my blog, and several of my presentations are available at Slideshare.


  1. Vine, R. (2018). Realigning liaison with university priorities: Observations from ARL Liaison Institutes 2015–18. College & Research Libraries News, 79(8), 420.
  2. Selected Bibliography on Library Liaisons.” Research Library Issues, no. 294 (2018): 76–79.
  3. Bakkalbasi, N., Rockenbach, B., Tancheva, K., & Vine, R. (2016). ARL Library Liaison Institute: What we learned about needs and opportunities for reskilling. College & Research Libraries News, 77(3), 118-121.
  4. Bolan, J., Bellamy, P., Rolheiser, C., Szurmak, J., & Vine, R. (2015). Realizing Partnership Potential: A Report on a Formal Collaboration Between a Teaching and Learning Centre and Libraries at the University of Toronto. Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching, 8, 191.
  5. Association of Research Libraries. Columbia University/Cornell University/ University of Toronto Pilot Library Liaison Institute Final Report

Recent Presentations

Lach, P., Marshall, B., & Vine, R. Bridging the Gap: Supporting Subject Liaisons to Become Ambassadors for Digital Scholarship in Academic Libraries. Panel presentation, American Library Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, June 24 2018.

Rita’s slides from this and other public events are available through Slideshare.

Related works by others

Several papers, posters and presentations by others have cited or expanded on my work and related content from ARL’s Reimagining the Library Liaison project, to develop an impact agenda for liaison librarians. These are excellent models for planning and execution of liaison impact projects.

Kranich, N., Lotts, M., Nielsen, J., & Ward, J.H. (2020) Moving from collecting to connecting: Articulating, assessing and communicating the work of liaison librarians. portal: Libraries and the Academy 20(2), 285-304.

Schultz, T., & Medaille, A. (2019). Spinning a scholarly story: Using faculty interviews to develop a scholarly communications agenda for liaison librariansAssociation of College & Research Libraries 2019 Conference Proceedings (pp. 569-577).

Hinkle, Karyn, “Reimagining Library Liaisons: A Liaison Competencies Mashup” (2018). Library Presentations. 192.

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